
Welcome to sivasamy siva nadi astrology center

Sri Samy Sachithanantham

Great Grand Father

Sri Arul Siva Arumugam

Grand Father

Guruji A.Sivasamy M.A, Ph.D


Sri. Iswariya sivasamy M.Sc

Cheif Advisor
(D/O A.Sivasamy)

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Welcome to the Sri agathiya siva nadi. This is presented by Sri.Iswariya Sivasamy daughter of the popular Guruji.A.Sivasamy Arumugam of Srimahasiva Nadi Astrology Vaitheshwaran koil. Her family is involving in this nadi prediction field for more than 250 yrs. We can take the pride in saying this center is the oldest nadi astrological center in the world and most well known through out the world. She is now in the 5th generation of this divine service to blessed people all over the globe. After carrying on this service from our forefathers.

Nadi astrology is the treasure of Indian country. Every body in this world likes to know their prediction accurately. That accurate can only be got by this nadi astrology.

Her family only reading this nadi astrology predictions in a accurate way, since all the predictions have been written thousands of years back by the ancient maharishis and guru’s in the palm leaves. it suits for all countries of the world. using the modern reach of knowledge through the internet, we are now bringing this services for the benefit of people around The globe.

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